
When building a home or finishing a room in your house, it is the details that really make it stand apart - and your trim is no different. Combining various types of mouldings creates architectural intrigue and gives a property a more upgraded and luxurious feel. Our team can help you match existing mouldings or upgrade interior and exterior spaces.

Customization is Our Specialty

At Southern Lumber and Millwork, we not only stock standard-size moulding pieces; we can precision-cut moulding according to design. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to make the intricate cuts necessary for your moulding to be a conversation piece.

A Superior Alternative to Normal “run of the Mill” Exterior Trim Products.

Southern Lumber and Millwork Corporation is proud to announce a manufactured product line that has been proven to satisfy customers throughout the low-country area. This premium product is graded clear two edges and one face with no wane, treated with a non-arsenic based preservative that is environmentally safe, kiln dried after treatment (KDAT), re-manufactured to a consistent thickness and width with slight eased edges, and primed with high quality exterior oil based primer fully encapsulating the product on all six sides.

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