Stair Railings,
Fittings, & Newel Posts

The entrance to a house sets the tone for a home. The stairway can be a grand statement with custom railings, fittings, and newel posts. We custom-make these intricate pieces here in our shop to offer the best value with the most options.

From Historic Downtown to Modern Beach Front

Stairway railings, newel posts, and fittings all work together to create a look. Whether you have an old historic design you are trying to match, or a brand new custom home designed by an architect, we can help you with all of your exterior and interior stair needs.

The entrance to a home sets the tone for a home and tells a story to the world. The stairway can be a grand statement with custom railings, fittings, and newel posts. We custom-make these intricate pieces here in our shop to offer the best value with the most options.

From Historic Downtown to Modern Beach Front

Stairway railings, newel posts, and fittings all work together to create a design. Whether you have an old historic design you are trying o match, or a brand new custom home designed by an architect, we can help you with all of your exterior stair needs. At Southern Lumber and Millwork, we do all that we can to take the guesswork out of wood milling. We have invested in state-of-the-art equipment that delivers the design you want with precision cuts and the quality that takes your architectural wood design to an entirely new level.

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